Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day: Finding Balance Between Tourism and Preserving Florida's Ecosystem

Well today is the day, my friends, Blog Action Day. The blogesphere is posting about the environment today, helping raise awareness to improve our tomorrow. So what do G.G. and VGg3 have to say about the environment? Obviously, Florida's environment is very close to our hearts.

The Florida ecosystem is fragile. The Sunshine State is full of amazing treasures ranging from the natural springs in Wakulla County to the Florida Everglades and the ocean's sea life to the amazing birds soaring at sunset. While we wish to protect these amazing, natural treasures, we welcome visitors to enjoy them, yet respect them.

And how can this be done? Well, we're still working on figuring that out, finding a balance between a healthy economy (the tourism industry) and healthy environment. When planning a Florida vacation, try one of these easy ideas:
  1. Stay at a Green Hotel.
  2. Visit a destination great for walking or has excellent public transportation, like Key West, St. Augustine or Anna Maria Island.
  3. Explore a local or smaller attraction.
  4. Shop at the locally-owned boutiques and shops.
  5. Camp within a State or National Park.
As VFg3 moves forward with their project, expect more ideas and updates. In the meantime, be sure to complete the new survey off to the right.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

G.G. Will Be Blogging on Blog Action Day: October 15, 2007

G.G. is sooo delighted to learn about Blog Action Day on October 15, 2007. This is a day when bloggers around the globe will blog about one important topic: the environment. Of course, since VFg3's focus is learning about an aspect of Florida's tourism industry and how to reduce the impact of tourism on the Sunshine State's environment, you can be guaranteed Monday's post will be just about that. Pretty groovy!

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Saturday, October 6, 2007

And, We're Off! Survey Deployed This Week

Hey there! Well, VFg3 deployed their survey within the office to determine the recycling habits and green attitudes of co-workers. About 50% of the staff have responded and will be exciting to tally the results.

In green tourism news, results of the latest travelhorizons (TM) survey by Travel Industry Association (TIA) and Ypartnership revealed more than half of U.S. adults are more than likely to choose an airline, lodging accommodations or rental car from a service provider using environmentally friendly products and processes over non-environmentally friendly, but at a cost. U.S. travelers are conscious of being environmentally responsible but the most they are willing to pay is up to 10% more, compared to non-environmentally responsible services. Read the complete press release called, "AMERICAN TRAVELERS TURNING GREEN (BUT NOT AT ANY COST), ACCORDING TO NEW NATIONAL SURVEY."

Monday, October 1, 2007

Hello! Let the Journey of Greening Florida's Tourism Industry Begin

Hey, there! My name is Green Girl, but my friends call me G.G. and since I want us to be friends, please call me G.G. Anywho, I'm the designated blogging representative for six sassy Florida tourism sales representatives (aka: VFg3) tasked with the same goal: To increase group cohesiveness and knowledge about the tourism market. I know, sounds like a punishment but it's not. They chose to find ways in reducing the carbon footprint within Florida's tourism industry.

In Fiscal Year 2006-2007 (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007), Florida generated $65 billion in direct travel spending and employed nearly a million Floridians directly in the tourism industry (can you imagine how many people are employed outside of Florida yet bring tourism here? This includes folks like travel agents, meeting planners and members of the media. And just think of the people indirectly employed by the tourism industry, like utility workers supplying services to resorts and attractions or facilities laundering hotel linens.). In 2006, 83.9 million travelers visited the Sunshine State (that's a lot of people!)*

With all these people visiting Florida, they're making a significant impact on the economy and environment. VFg3 is looking for ways to find a balance between a healthy tourism economy and healthy environment.

VFg3's company is the Florida tourism industry's leader and is ready to lead by example. Enjoy the journey as the six gals figure out how to make this happen. Enjoy the ride!

*Figures provided by VISIT FLORIDA(r), the official tourism marketing corporation for the State of Florida.