Monday, November 12, 2007

How Green is Your Home?

Happy Monday! Since temperatures are cooling, G.G.'s coming off a fab weekend where I was a homebody for most of the weekend but did get outside to enjoy the fresh air and sparkly Florida sunshine.

All this greening the office talk had me wondering what I could do to green my domicile dwelling. After searching the Net I was surprised to learn from the National Geographic Going Green pages how indoor air can be five times as polluted as the outdoor air! What I found more alarming on the National Geographic ( site is that "the average home contributes more to global warming than the average car...because much of the energy we use in our homes comes from power plants that run on fossil fuels."

Conclusion? Having an energy efficient home can reduce carbon emissions (which cause global warming). This includes:

  • Using compact fluorescent bulbs

  • Energy-efficient appliances (i.e.: fridge, washer and dryer, etc.)

  • Weather-stripping and caulking homes (don't let in the cold or hot air!)

  • Solar panels to capture energy and get off the grid!

  • Of course, do your part to recycle paper, glass, aluminum, plastic and anything else to reduce waste sent to landfills

So my dear tree-hugger wannabees, I hope next weekend will be spent making your domicile dwelling more green.

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